Monday 20 September 2010

Newspaper Poster

Final Idea

I have two opportunities for the idea when designing my newspaper poster. One of which as previously mentioned is designing a billboard poster, displaying purely the name of the newspaper and the main headline of that day.

The second is creating something brand new for the idea of a newspaper poster. This would be a combination of what is already currently on the market combined with the main concepts of a magazine advert. Therefore, meaning i would use the serious language of a billboard along with the modern creative design of a magazine advert to create a brand new idea.

However, as local newspapers are not main-stream I have decided that a magazine advert would not be appropriate for a local newspaper because they are not aimed at large audiences around the country.

ne billboard that is just the main headline and a second billboard that displays the main headline along with an image and an advertising quote. The following images are two examples i found showing this.

I continued researching newspaper posters to try and get a wider range of creative ideas. I found a number of examples which included one billboard that is just the main headline and a second billboard that displays the main headline along with an image and an advertising quote.

This is the idea I have chose to design my own newspaper poster from, because it incorporates both the modern creative design through the use of an image as well as the main headline; the sole purpose of a newspaper poster.

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